This meant all new interactions and animations needed to be perfectly synchronized between the Sim and the horse. For the first time in Sims history, we need to have two player controlled characters interacting and relying on each other to get from point A to point B. One of the biggest challenges was getting Sims to actually ride the horses. Vaughan: Being that The Sims 3 Pets is the first Sims game ever to include horses as pets, it presented some very unique challenges for the development team. Was introducing horses more challenging than everyday cats and dogs?
I don’t mean to brag, but we never eat our own poop. Because of their ability to explore and cover large distances in no time, as well as their special capacity for befriending other pets and Sims alike, we felt horses were a perfect choice to include in the game.īuttercup: In the real world, horses are much more complex creatures than common canines and felines. Vaughan: With The Sims 3 Pets, not only did we want to include an animal that our fans have been requesting forever, but we wanted to feature a pet that could really take advantage of the vast open worlds that The Sims 3 provides. Why Sims 3? Why didn’t you give us horses what we wanted with The Sims 2 pets? Finallyīuttercup: I understand that horses were the most requested pet ever from Sims fans. Above: You can now play as horses in The Sims 3.